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Tapping Out

Trevor Perkins


Hurry with your answer, God!

I'm nearly at the end of my rope.

Don't turn away; don't ignore me!

That would be certain death.

If you wake me each morning with the sound of your loving voice,

I'll go to sleep each night trusting in you.

Point out the road I must travel;

I'm all ears, all eyes before you.

Save me from my enemies, God-

you're my only hope!

Teach me how to live to please you,

because you're my God.

Lead me by your blessed Spirit

into cleared and level pastureland.

Psalm 143:7-10 MSG


God is our lifeline, separated we only have one fate. That being said when we submit to God and follow his direction, we bloom! When we live for God and stay in his word, we get an anointing. God blesses us so we can bless others for his glory. He's like a light at our feet, guiding us and molding us into his image. God will place a calling on all of our lives, some may just testify to His glory, others will go to foreign soils and spread the gospel. What ever it may be we just have to submit, trust, and follow, God will love us and take care of the rest!

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